Saturday, April 26, 2008

Stocks for April 28, 2008

Here are the weekly stocks the passed three or more of my five filters. RIMM alone has passed all five.

SymbolTop RankedZacks PEG SuppDem VLIBD Stock checkup
LNN 1111A+
RIG111 1A+
ACI 111 A+
AXYS 11 1A+
BIDU112  A+
DE1 1 1A+
JOYG 11 1A+
MA111  A+
MON 11 1A+
MOS1 1 1A+
NOV111  A+
PCLN  111A+
POT1 1 1A+
ANSS 12 1A
CLHB 12 1A
DVN 11 1A
ESRX 11 1A
GFA111  A
HXM112  A
IVGN 12 1A
KEX 12 1A
MANT 11 1A
NFLX 11 1A
PRGO 11 1A
WMB 12 1A
GLW 12 1A-

This week, I welcome the following four stocks to the core list:

  • MANT
  • MON
  • NFLX
  • PRGO
ManTech International (MANT) provides solutions for national security programs. Monsanto ("Without chemicals, life itself could not exist": a truism that becomes less true by repetition) uses genomics to make agricultural plants with very cool characteristics. NetFlix (NFLX) was founded by a guy who was quite unhappy with his Blockbuster late charges for renting Apollo 13. They mail you DVDs and charge you a flat monthly fee. Perrigo (PRGO) distributes pharmaceuticals, both O-T-C and by prescription.

FLIR and MUR are off the core list.

Core list (with n of 10 weeks passing):

SymbolPassing weeks Earnings
RIG10Earn 7-May
PCLN9Earn 8-May
RIMM9Earn 25-Jun
ESRX8Earn 29-Apr
GLW7Earn 29-Apr
FLS6Earn 28-Apr
KWK5Earn 7-May
NOV5Earn 30-Apr
POT5Earn 24-Apr
WMB5Earn 2-May
MANT5Earn 30-Apr
PRGO5Earn 6-May

moving down this week
moving up this week
new this week

I am reading Invest Like a Dealmaker by Chris Mayer. He likes to make his money the old fashioned way: look at balance sheets and find companies with a tiny ratio of Enterprise Value (EV) to Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA).

I read an article in March's Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities by John Ehlers. The intent of the article was to determine the fundamental cycle of a commodity or stock. I suppose that if one were able to do this well, one could buy at the bottom of a cycle and sell at a top. Here is a chart that shows Ehlers doing a Stop-And-Reverse on the S&P mini. Might be worth a few hours of playing around in TradeStation to see if there are any markets that will play nicely with Ehlers' cycles.

I hope you're doing well. My shorts are doing poorly, but hey, that's life in the big city. The Day of the Bears may yet come upon us.

My best wishes for good trading this week.

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