Sunday, March 30, 2008

Stocks for March 31, 2008

Here are the weekly stocks the passed three or more of my five filters. I reviewed my stocks that had passed only two of the five, namely Value Line timeliness=1 and Zacks. If they had not been reviewed for passing the Price/Earnings/Growth ratio, then I added the latest P/E/G numbers. Thus, there are a handful of stocks that had consistently passed three filters, which are appearing below. They are only making their debut now because of my neglect instead of a fiscal problem.

SymbolTop RankedZacks PEG SuppDem VLIBD Stock checkup
BUCY112 1A+
RIG111 1A+
RIMM1 111A
WFR111 1A
WDC111 1B
AXYS 12 1A+
FLS 11 1A+
ISRG1 2 1A+
KEX 12 1A+
KWK112  A+
LIFC 12 1A+
MANT 12 1A+
MON 12 1A+
NFLX 12 1A+
PCLN  111A+
PRGO 12 1A+
RRC1 2 1A+
AGU 12 1A
ANSS 12 1A
BMC 12 1A
CLHB 12 1A
ESRX 11 1A
FLIR 11 1A
GME 11 1A
MATK 11 1A
CHTT 12 1A-
GLW 12 1A-
JEC 12 1A-
OMG 12 1A-

NOV, NOK, and VIP have fallen off the core list. Replacing them are:

  • FLIR (FLIR Systems, designs, manufactures, and markets thermal imaging and infrared camera systems.)
  • GLW (Corning Incorporated provides specialty glass and ceramics products.)
  • KWK (Quicksilver Resources acquires and develops natural gas and crude oil in North America.)
  • RIMM (Research In Motion Limited designs and manufactures wireless solutions for BlackBerrys.)

Core list (with n of 10 weeks passing):

SymbolPassing weeks Earnings
RIG7Earn 7-May
POT6Earn 24-Apr

moving down this week
moving up this week
new this week

More about the bailout of Bear Stearns. John Hussman has some fightin' words to descibe this recent fed action, which you can read about in full in his article entitled Why is Bear Stearns Trading at $6 instead of $2? Here are some excerpts:

  • "Bear Stearns is trading at $6 instead of $2 because unelected bureaucrats went beyond their legal mandates, delivered a windfall to a single private company at public expense, entered agreements that violate the the public trust...
  • "In effect, the Federal Reserve decided last week to overstep its legal boundaries – going beyond providing liquidity to the banking system and attempting to ensure the solvency of a non-bank entity.
  • "The Fed did not act to save a bank, but to enrich one.
  • "That's not sound monetary policy – it's a picnic for insiders, bought and paid for through the abuse of public funds by government officials too unprincipled even to recognize the abuse."
Well said, Dr. Hussman.

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