Monday, April 7, 2008

Stocks for April 7, 2008

Here are the weekly stocks the passed three or more of my five filters.

For my friends who live in or near Charlotte, I will be presenting at the AAII Charlotte meeting this coming Saturday, April 12, at 10 A.M. You may find out more about the time and place at this AAII page.

SymbolTop RankedZacks PEG SuppDem VLIBD Stock checkup
RIG111 1A+
AGU 11 1A+
BUCY1 2 1A+
FLS 11 1A+
ISRG1 2 1A+
LIFC 12 1A+
LNN 111A+
MON 11 1A+
NFLX 12 1A+
PCLN 111A+
PRGO 11 1A+
WFT1 1 1A+
BMC 11 1A
ESRX 11 1A
MANT 11 1A
MATK 11 1A
MUR 11 1A
RIMM1 1 1A

Murphy Oil (MUR) is new on the core list. The company explores, produces and refines oil and gas. (Do you think there's a pattern in companies coming onto the core list?)

Core list (with n of 10 weeks passing):

SymbolPassing weeks Earnings
PCLN8Earn 17-Apr
RIG8Earn 7-May
RIMM6Earn 25-Jun
POT5Earn 24-Apr
FLIR5Earn 24-Apr
KWK5Earn 7-May
MA5Earn 28-Apr
MUR5Earn 30-Apr

moving down this week
moving up this week
new this week

A fairly positive week, almost enough to get me out of my bearish hibernation. Almost. IBD is declaring that we are in a market rally now, with the Dow dancing about 12,800. We're not that far, either in time or distance (Jan 2008 and 11,600) from our previous low that was retested only a few weeks ago. The Dow and Nasdaq are approaching previous resistance levels, and the bulls are itching for it to push through those levels.

Let's wait and see. In the mean time, I am doing much better in commodities than in this choppy stock market. My best success in the latter was being exercised my naked CLB puts and being put the shares last December at 120. Now that CLB has pushed through its upper Bollinger Band, I am selling covered calls on it. (Let's try to keep Mr. Market happy, and buy when he's miserable and sell to him when he's elated.)

Happy trading.

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