Monday, March 24, 2008

Stocks for March 24, 2008

Here are the weekly stocks the passed three or more of my five filters. If it stays on the weekly list for more than 5 of the past 10 weeks, then it will also be displayed on the core list.

SymbolTop RankedZacks PEG SuppDem VLIBD Stock checkup
BUCY112 1A+
RIG111 1A+
WFR111 1A
ESRX 11 1A
FLIR 11 1A
GLW 12 1A
GME 11 1A
LIFC 12 1A
MATK 11 1A
RIMM1 1 1A
FLS 11 1A+
KWK112  A+
PCLN  111A+

WMB had just made it on to the core list last week, but has dropped off for this week.

Core list (with n of 10 weeks passing):

SymbolPassing weeks Earnings
POT7Earn 24-Apr
RIG6Earn 7-May
NOK5Earn 17-Apr

moving down this week
moving up this week
new this week

The market was cheered last week with an optimistic bailout of Bear Stearns. To use the analogy of bailing out a leaking boat, I suppose that the boat would be the US economy, and the water rushing would be damage from a hole in the hull from a financial institution. Problem is, we don't know what else is beneath the water line and how many holes are left to plug.

I am at risk of sounding like the morose donkey Eeore in Winny the Poo. Be that as it may, I'll let them keep on bailing, but keep a life preserver and scuba gear at the ready, just in case it gets worse.

For your interest, there are several ProShare funds that double the opposite direction of various market indices:

  • DOG (Opposite Dow 30)
  • SH (Opposite S&P 500)
  • MYY (Opposite MidCap 400)
  • QID (Opposite QQQQ)
These are all optioned, so you can sell puts on them or write covered calls on them. Yes, use common sense when trading these. They have sharp edges that can hurt.

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