Monday, October 20, 2008

Stocks for the week of Oct 20

These are the stocks that are passing at least three of my five filters, for the week of October 20. There were no IBD Supply/Demand stocks this week. There were only two stocks that were Top Ranked by the IBD.

SymbolTop RankedZacks PEG SuppDem VLIBD Stock checkup
AMED 11 1A+
ARO 11 1A
FLIR 11 1A
JOSB 11 1A
MATK 11 1A

CF and FSLR are off the list.

Core list (with n of 10 weeks passing):

SymbolPassing weeks Earnings
ARO10Earn 3-Dec
FLIR10Earn 23-Oct
EZPW8Earn 6-Nov
WAB8Earn 20-Oct
CELG8Earn 23-Oct
URBN7Earn 13-Nov
AMED7Earn 28-Oct
AXYS6Earn 22-Oct
OSIP6Earn 22-Oct
MANT5Earn 29-Oct

moving down this week
moving up this week
new this week

The Market remains in Red Light mode according to the 1-2-3 model. The Inflation Model has remains at a negative two inflation stars ("deflation").

John Hussman, a mutual fund manager for whom I have a great deal of respect, says that stocks are no longer overvalued. Not urging us to run out and buy, he is saying that the long-term outlook is the best that it's been for some time, precisely because stocks have been hammered so badly.

I'm conflicted on the idea. I will keep my long/short balance and try to move in or out of long positions slowly.

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