Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Stocks for June 30, 2008

Here's the list for the week of June 30. It will be a shortened trading week because of Independence Day. Please remember that the following list is fast-moving, and that I normally trade stocks on the core list (see below).

SymbolTop RankedZacks PEG SuppDem VLIBD Stock checkup
ACI 1111A+
BUCY111 1A+
MOS111 1A+
POT1 111A+
RIMM111 1A+
AGU 1 11A+
CF  111A+
ESV 11 1A+
FLR 12 1A+
FTI111  A+
GDI 11 1A+
HAL 11 1A+
JOYG 11 1A+
KWK 11 1A+
MA112  A+
MON 11 1A+
NBL1 1 1A+
NOV111  A+
RIG 11 1A+
SWN 12 1A+
AMED 12 1A
AXYS 11 1A
CSX1 1 1A
JEC 11 1A
NETL1 21 A
VMI 11 1A
XLNX 11 1A
WDC1 1 1A-

DE and WMP are off the core list. VMI is back on the list, having been dropped off the list in February. This week, I this stock to the core list:

  • NETL
NetLogic Microsystems designs, develops, and markets processors and integrated circuits.

Core list (with n of 10 weeks passing):

SymbolPassing weeks Earnings
MOS10Earn 29-Jul
POT10Earn 24-Jul
RIG10Earn 6-Aug
RIMM10Earn 25-Sep
BUCY9Earn 24-Jul
CSX9Earn 15-Jul
MA9Earn 31-Jul
KEX8Earn 23-Jul
FTI8Earn 5-Aug
SWN8Earn 30-Jul
NOV7Earn 29-Jul
NBL7Earn 30-Jul
XLNX7Earn 16-Jul
DVN6Earn 6-Aug
GFA6Earn 5-Aug
FLR6Split 17-Jul
HAL6Earn 22-Jul
KWK5Earn 6-Aug
VMI5Earn 17-Jul

moving down this week
moving up this week
new this week

I am reading Safe Strategies for Financial Freedom by Van Tharp, D.R. Barton, and Steve Sjuggerud. I own an earlier edition of the book, but got the latest edition from the library. Two of the models that the authors use are 1-2-3 model and the Four-Star Inflation-Deflation Tracker. (The latter was updated on his website to make it less subject to government manipulation; you can read about it at http://www.iitm.com/123-model-update.htm.)

The 1-2-3 model uses three criteria: the P/E of the market (I use the S&P 500), whether the Fed rasied rates in the past 6 months, and whether the market (again, I use the S&P) is above or below its 45 week average). Based on these three, they will flash a Red Light (Sell), Yellow Light (Buy and Hold), and Green Light (Strong Buy). We are currently in Red Light mode.

The Four-Star model uses Four criteria: The CRB index, the Basic Materials Sector (XLB), the London Gold fix, and the Financial Sector (XLF). It compares the 2-month and 6-month differences from today, and scores from -1 (deflationary) to plus 4 (increasing inflation). We are currently at plus 3.5 (inflation danger).

I'll publish these each week, but it's time to be looking for the exits.

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